please read the instructions in your inbox
Hooray! Access to our free printables and awesome daily inspiration is almost on its way.
Please be sure to read the instructions in your inbox.
1) After you’ve added your email addy, check your inbox for an email from us called “Activate your Email Subscription to: Confetti Daydreams” – it contains the confirmation link and password. (If you haven’t added your email addy yet, you can do so using the form below.)
2) First, click the first confirmation link to make sure that you get our upcoming printables
3) Check for heading ‘Step Two’ of this same email – it contains your password and the download link.
4) You will now be able to use use the password to access our current printables!
All of our pretty printables and PDF downloads will be available for you to enjoy – and you’ll get updated with our latest wedding ideas and projects as they’re emailed straight to your inbox each day. Yippee!
If you’re not already following us, you can join our Facebook community here and follow our pretty pins and wedding ideas on pinterest here.
Enjoy! xxx